Search Results | asbury university

Your search for "asbury university" returned 5 results

Meet Hell-Cat Maggie, the Mythical Dame of the Dead Rabbits Gang

HowStuffWorks learns about some very colorful alleged members of the 1860s gangs including Hell-Cat Maggie of the Dead Rabbits.

How Much Do You Know About Volkswagen?

VW has been one of the world's top auto manufacturers since the early 1900s, but how much do you know about this company's history -- or its most famous models? Take our quiz to find out!

What's the Best Carpet for Pets?

What's the best carpet for pet owners? Visit HowStuffWorks to learn what the best carpet for pet owners is.

New Jersey Lingo Quiz

Are you a shoobie, a benny or a true New Jersey lover? Do you know how to speak like you're a part of the Northeast? Discover and test what you know about NJ's slang and see how you'd fit in on the Shore!

How Street Gangs Work

According to a 2005 report by the Department of Justice, there are at least 21,500 gangs and more than 731,000 active gang members in the United States. Learn how and why street gangs form.

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